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Date: October 7 to 9th 2019

History: The Weed Science Seminar is a biannual event promoted by the Crop Protection Graduate Program and organized by the Weed Science Research Group from the Federal University of Pelotas in partnership with several institutions in Southern Brazil (List can be checked in the end of this page).  This year the event is a promoted not only by the Crop Protection Graduate Program but is an effort of the graduate programs from UEM, UFRGS, UNESP and UFAM.  This partnership is an effort to integrate the institution on research, extension and education activities. In the first two days of the event is the Seminar and in the last day we will have the “Primer Taller Latinoamericano de Malezas” which will be a workshop aiming at congregate researchers from key Latin American countries to discuss The Challenges and Opportunities for Weed Managements in their countries to find opportunities to solve local and regional weed problems. At the end of the workshop we will make a joint effort to build collaborative projects. The events are sponsored by Corteva, BASF, CAPES and FAPERGS. In this event we will discuss the challenge to train the next generation of weed scientist, the new technologies in weed management, the auxin herbicides and herbicide toxicology and legislation. The community is welcome to participate in both events.

Final Program

Monday October the 07th

8:30-9:15 Open Ceremony
Panel: Training the next generation of weed scientists
Chair: Carlos Eduardo Schaedler – IFSUL
9:15-10:00 Training the next generation of weed scientists: A Global Perspective Franck Dayan – Colorado State University, USA
10:00-10:30 Training the next generation of weed scientists: Training for Innovation Edivaldo Velini – UNESP, Brazil
10:30-11:00 Training the next generation of weed scientists: The Industry Perspective Angela Da Cas Bundt – Corteva Agriscience
11:00-11:30 Training the next generation of weed scientists: Training for entrepreneurship Alexandre M. Chequim – CEO e Co-founder da DigiFarmz
11:30-12:00 Questions and Answers
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Panel: New Technologies for weed management
Chair: Anderson Luis Nunes
14:00-14:45 Nanoencapsulation of herbicides André Fajardo – UFPel
14:45-15:30 Development and application of RNAi system for weed control Dana MacGregor – Rothamstead, England
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:45 Gene Editing as a tool to create weed resistant crops Alexandre Nepomuceno – Embrapa Soja – Brazil
16:45-17:15 Questions and Answers
19:00 Dinner: Aki na Praia

Tuesday October the 08th

Panel: Auxin herbicide
Chair: Marcelo Zimmer – Purdue University
8:30-9:15 Auxin Herbicide Mode of Action Catarine Markus – UFRGS, Brazil
9:15-10:00 Weed resistance to auxin herbicides Aldo Merotto Jr. – UFRGS, Brazil
10:00-11:00 Auxin herbicide use and challenges in US Bryan Young – Purdue University, US
11:00-11:45 Perspective of auxin herbicides use in Brazil Mario Bianchi – CCGL Tec, Brazil
11:45-12:00 Questions and Answers
12:00-14:00 Lunch Break
Panel: Herbicide ecotoxicology and regulation
Chair: Edinalvo Camargo – UFPel
14:00-14:45 Pesticides: Safety and Risks Caio Carbonari – UNESP, Brazil
14:45-15:30 Overview on pesticide ecotoxicology Gladys Stephenson – University of Guelph, Canada
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:45 Glyphosate toxicology and ecological risks Keith Solomon – University of Guelph, Canada
16:45-17:15 Determination of pesticide residues: State of the art Renato Zanella – LARP – UFSM
17:15-17:45 Questions and Answers
19:00 Dinner: Galeteria Lobão

Primer Taller Latinoamericano de Malezas

“Challenges and opportunities for weed management in LATAM”

Wednesday October the 09th

8:20-8:40 The UFPel vision on Latin America Integration on Research Max Cenci – Director International Relations UFPel
8:40-9:00 Abertura: Introdução e objetivos a serem alcançados pelo workshop Luis Avila – Coordenador
9:00-9:30 Manejo de plantas daninhas em terras altas no Brasil: desafios e oportunidades Dirceu Agostinetto e Leandro Vargas – UFPel – Brazil
9:30-10:00 Manejo de plantas daninhas em terras baixas no Brasil: desafios e oportunidades André Andres – Embrapa Clima Temperado
10:00-10:30 Manejo de plantas daninhas em arroz pré-germinado no Brasil: desafios e oportunidades José Alberto Noldin – Epagri – SC
10:30-11:00 Manejo de Plantas Daninhas em Pastagens – Desafios e oportunidades Fabiane Pinto Lamego – Embrapa
11:00-12:00 Manejo de plantas daninhas na Colômbia: desafios e oportunidades Baldomero Puentes – Fedearroz – Colômbia
12:00-14:00 Almoço
14:00-14:30 Manejo de plantas daninhas no Uruguai: desafios e oportunidades Dr. Alejandro Garcia – INIA – Uruguai
14:30-15:00 Manejo de plantas daninhas na Argentina: desafios e oportunidades Horacio Acciaresi – INTA – Argentina
15:00 – 15:30 Weed management on Central America and the Andian Countries: Challenges and Oportunity Dr. Ian Zelaya – Private Consultant – Honduras
15:30-15:30 Discussão em Grupo
15:30-16:30 Fechamento e compilação dos resultados Todos
