Areas of research
Crop Protection Graduate Program

Our history Crop Protection Graduate Program
The Graduate Program in Crop Protection was created in 1991 as a concentration area of the Graduate Program in Agronomy located a UFPel. In 1999, it was approved to offer doctorate degree and became the program Graduate Program in Crop Protection (PPGFs), focusing in Entomology and Plant Pathology. Later in 2001 it was included the area of Weed Science in the scope of the program. Nowadays, students from all over Brazil and from several countries come to get in our Program. Our target audience are Biologists, Agronomists and Forest Engineers.
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Crop Protection Graduate Program
Crop Protection Graduate Program
Research in
Biology, ecology and management of plague insects and mites; Control and resistance of arthropods to insecticides; Biologic control of plagues and selectivity of pesticides the natural enemy; Molecular biology of insects
Reseacth in Plant Pathology
Biology, ecology and physiology of nematodes, fungus and bacteria phytopathogenic and vírus; Molecule biology and plant-pathogen Interaction; Integrate control of nematodes, fungus, bacteria and virus
Research in
Weed Science
Ecofisiologia and management of weed plants; Physiological action of herbicide and resistance of plants to herbicides; Herbology and environment: Dynamics of herbicides and changes climetic; Technology and innovation in herbology
Contact Us
Contact us by phone or send us a message using the form.
Phone: (53) 3275-7391 | Fax: (53) 3275-9031
E-mail: ppgfsfaem@gmail.com