Permanent Professor

Title: Doctor
Institution: UFPel
Post: Associate Professor

Doutorate Degree: Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Country: Brasil
Year: 2015

Master’s Degree: UFPel
Country: Brasil
Year: 2011

University Graduate: UFPel
Country: Brasil
Year: 2008

Line of Research

Resistance and control of arthropods and insecticides.

Occupation Area

Biology of insects and Integrated Management of plagues, with emphasis in resistance of arthropods to control tactics. Research group registered coordinator on CNPq: Bioecology and susceptibility of agricultures plagues to chemistry insecticides and biological with emphasis in Management of Insect Resistance (MIR).


Insects biology


Maira Chagas Morais
Doctorate Degree

Leticia Jansen Medeiros
Doctorate Degree

Daiana da Costa Oliveira
Doctorate Degree

José Gomes da Silva Filho
Doctorate Degree

Fernanda Carla Santos Geisler
Doctorate Degree

Juarez da Silva Alves
Master’s Degree

Larissa Pasqualotto
Master’s Degree

Leticia Tamara Maleski
Master’s Degree

Tais Dalla Nora Cardoso
Master’s Degree