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Research and Climate Change Laboratory

Inaugurated in 2011, the laboratory has a 30m2 area, where plant growth in modified environment researches take place, it has 2 fitotrons, one acquired with UNIVERSAL 2010 resources from the brand Weiss Fitotron with 1.100 PAR luminous intensity and photoperiod temperature and CO2 control (R$ 134.000,00). 

The second one (No brand), was constructed with its own resources (R$ 45.000,00) with medium luminous intensity lights (>900 PAR), and photoperiod and temperature control.

Besides that, the laboratory has 8OTC’s (Open Top Chambers), in which it is possible to work with CO2 increased environments in field conditions. 2 OTC’s were built in 2014 and 6 in 2015 with their own resources (R$ 50.000,00), being that the construction and automation of CO2 injection is a part of the student João Paulo Refatti doctoral project.

At the end a Fitotron was installed, formed by 3 12m2 rooms, with humidity, temperature, photoperiod and CO2 level in the atmosphere control. This equipment was acquired with resources from CT-INFRA (R$480.000,00).