The three concentration areas have laboratories equipped to supply the research demand of each area. These labs are shared with other areas.
Experimental Area
UFPel has about 600 ha located in the Agricultural Center of Palma, distributed in experimental areas of fruit growing, pasture, weed control, irrigated rice, corn, soybean, sorghum, native fields and forests, forestry, dairy cattle, swine and beekeeping. The DFs have two experimental areas, one for 4.5 ha rainfed crops and the other with 9.4 ha irrigated rice, with the complete machine park for the installation of field experiments and practical classes.
Os grupos de pesquisa do Programa têm a disposição quatro casas-de-vegetação com cobertura plástica com 80 m² cada uma, todas com bancadas e duas sistema de irrigação. Também se dispõe da estrutura de casas de vegetação da Embrapa Clima Temperado.
1) Classrooms complete with projectors and accommodations.
2) Practical classrooms of phytopathology and entomology with magnifying glasses and microscopes.
1) Entomology Museum – has an area of 30 square meters, with air conditioning and dehumidification system, curation rooms, collection preparation and handling, 1 microcomputer, 1 printer, 2 stereoscopic microscopes and 1 optical microscope. It has more than 30 thousand copies, standing out as the largest collection in southern Brazil in Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Orthoptera. In 2017 the entire didactic entomological collection used in practical undergraduate and postgraduate classes was renewed.
2) Plant Pathology Museum – has an area of 30 square meters, has about 1,500 specimens (excicats and specimens conserved in liquid), representing 811 diseases in 263 plant species of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil, especially the crops of economic interest. The updated Catalog was recently published by the UFPel Publisher.