Agricultural Acarology Lab
Inaugurated in 2010, the laboratory, with a floor area of 40 square meters, is currently being expanded and structured and represents an important landmark in terms of research and teaching at UFPel since the research line with agricultural acarology is recent in PPGFs, being a long-term demand considering that there are few researchers who work with mites of agricultural importance in Brazil and especially in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. However, through partnerships in projects with institutions such as USP / Esalq, Embrapa and through notices such as the National Biodiversity Research System (SISBIOTA), the Institutional Pro-equipment, important equipment was obtained for teaching and research activities involving mites. It is worth mentioning the participation in a project approved in the SISBIOTA Public Notice 47/2010, which has been running since 2011 and is scheduled for completion in 2014, in partnership with USP / Esalq and with the participation of numerous national and foreign institutions, entitled Dimensioning and exploration of the diversity of biological pest control agents: Entomopathogens and edaphic predatory mites. This project was fully approved in the amount of R $ 804,412.78 and will significantly contribute to the consolidation of the area of acarology with the PPGFs, as it includes research grants and equipment, as well as providing interaction with various researchers from Brazil and abroad. . In 2013 the following equipment was purchased: Binocular stereoscope microscope mod. Nikon SZ-SMZ745, Fork light cabinet, and Olympus phase contrast microscope.
In addition to equipment that is used in a shared way, located in other UFPel laboratories or even in other institutions, such as BOD’s, refrigerators, freezers, optical microscopes and stereoscopes.
The acarology laboratory is equipped with the following equipment:
- 1 trinocular optical microscope equipped with phase contrast system;
- 1 co-observer and image capture system;
- 4 trinocular stereoscopic microscopes;
- 1 drying oven (85L);
- 1 precision balance;
- 3 internet-enabled microcomputers.