Plant-Pathogen Interaction Laboratory
Inaugurated in 2012, the laboratory, with a floor area of 50m2, has gone through the necessary remodeling for its operation. Through REUNI’s project, the laboratory received the following equipment: Magnetic stirrer with heating; Analytical and Semi-Analytical scales; Water Bath; Ultrasonic Bath; Heating Mantle; pH Meter, Biological Microscope and Ultra-Freezer, besides the remaining structure constituted of counters, means preparing room and study room to be used by graduate and undergraduate students.
Other improvements are being made through CNPq approved project (Universal, Edital 14/2012), in the sum of R$ 23.000,00. In 2013 the laboratory had the global contribution of R$ 50.500,00 in equipments:
- magnetic stirrer;
- vacuum pump
- nitrogen cylinder
- gas exhaustion chapel
- microprocessed centrifuge
- refrigerated centrifuge
- conductivity meter
- water deionizer
- drying oven
- refrigerator
- reverse osmosis
- ultra-freezer and vortex.