Herbicide Dynamics in the Environment Laboratory
Inaugurated in 2010, the laboratory with 50m2 , where herbicide degradation, persistence and transport studies take place. It is equipped with basic instrumentation for the herbicide dissipation studies, a freezer for samples storage, Spectrophotometer, Centrifuge, Precision scales, Pipettors, Glassware, environmental temperature control for respirometry (Herbicide degradation) projects, Nanovue and Bioassay BODs.
In 2012 through several development agencies, new equipment was acquired in the value of R$ 50.000,00, being the following: Exhaustion chapel, Analytical scale Cap. 220g, div. 0,0001g; Semi-Analytical scale Cap. 320g, Div. 0,001g; Digital Scale Cap. 3200g, div 0,01g; Micro processed Water bath with ramps and levels, Scale Cap. 20Kg; Magnetic stirrer with heater and Vortex tubes agitator. More resources were approved in projects with FAPERGS (Pesquisador Gaucho Edital 04/2012) and CAPES/CNPq (Atração de Jovens Talentos), in the amount of R$377.460,00, of which R$42.500,00 and R$334.960,00 came from each office, respectively.
In 2013 a group approved a cooperation project with UCDavis the will allow a R$60.000,00 investment in consumables and a PVE project with USDA in the value of R$400.000,00 and a project with University of Arkansas in the amount of R$400.000,00(PVE).
In 2013 6 air sample collecting pumps were acquired for the contaminants quantifications in the amount of (R$ 50.000,00). Besides that, in 2013 a truck and a portable freezer for sample collecting were acquired.
In 2017 a LC-MS-Orbitrap (high resolution LC-MS) was acquired and installed, which allows the quantification of organic products in the liquid form with mass accuracy. This equipment in the value of 1.3 million reais was acquired from resources from a CT-INFRA project from 2010.