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With the goal of increasing the international insertion, in 2010 the PPGFs established the committee of the program internationalization that developed a plan of internationalization to the program. This plan contain some steps that was considered important to the effective internationalization:

  1. Participation in international projects;
  2. Obtaining of financial in the exterior;
  3. A incentive to the realization of a sandwich doctoral;
  4. Appeal of exterior students on the program;
  5. Appeal of exterior researches in the program;
  6. Participation of students in exterior jury;
  7. Cooperation projects (Ex. CAPES/DAAD, CAPES/COFECUB; Edital Sul-Sul);
  8. Professors actuation has a reviewer of international magazines;
  9. Professors participation in international congresses;
  10. Professors participation like speakers in congresses and events in the exterior;
  11. Professors participation in the organization of international events;
  12. Professors participation in the organization of national events;
  13. Professors participation like members of the international scientific committee;
  14. Publication in periodicals with bigger impact and in english;
  15. Publication of articles with international collaborators;
  16. Incentive to students of the program make a training in the exterior;
  17. Setting young talent, in special those with international experience;
  18. Realization of international events in the program.

Along this tab (internationalization) will be shown some actions taken and/or in progress.