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1- Colorado State University (CSU) – USA

Due to work relationships and participation in Prof. In 2018, Franck Dayan started negotiating an agreement with CSU, initially involving groups in the area of ​​herbology. On the occasion, Prof. Luis Ávila attended a meeting at CSU to address the matter. During 2018, negotiations advanced and recently Prof. Edinalvo Camargo was once again visiting the CSU herbology group, this time in a meeting with the Dean of the College with a view to drawing up an agreement between the Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel (FAEM) and the College of Agricultural Science.

This possibility would favor all PPGs that are in the FAEM (which are 8 in number). In 2019, a project was approved as described in the internationalization item, coordinated by Prof. Luis Avila in the Call for Visiting Researcher released by FAPERGs that foresees the coming of Prof. Franck Dayan and visiting students go to Colorado. In this project, Prof. Franck and the departure of students Marcus Fipke and Andrisa Balbinot in early 2020. This second student went with resources from other research projects by Prof. The village.

2- University of Teneesse (UT) – USA

The Doctor. Scott Senseman (doctor advisor to professors Luis Avila and Edinalvo Camargo) is head of the Department of Plant Sciences. Students Daniela Tessaro (master by PPGFs) and Gabriel Vogel completed their final internship at the aforementioned institution through collaborative actions between the PPGFs and the aforementioned University. Currently, doctoral student Cristiano Piasecki is making sandwiches at UT.

3- Universidad Nacional San Agostin de Arequipa – Peru

Prof. Luis Avila has cooperation with UNSA with Prof. Victor Hugo Casa Coila.

4- Universidad Nacional del Altiplano – Puno – Peru

Prof. Luis Avila cooperates with UNA, teaching courses on Herbology at that University.

5- Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Prof. Luis Avila has an agreement with Prof. Guido Armando Plaza Trujillo, with development of projects in cooperation, where he participates as a co-advisor of doctoral student Mónica Dotor, and he participated in his project defense committee and doctoral qualification committee. In addition, Prof. Avila will teach a graduate-level course on herbicide physiology at that University.

Agreement with the Julius Kühn Institut (JKI) – Federal Research Center for Cultivated Plants, Institute for Plant Protection in Fruit Crops and Viticulture (Institut für Pflanzenschutz im Obst- und Weinbau), Dossenheim – Germany. Since 2008 From Prof. Anderson Grutzmacher with Dar. Heidrun Vogt in the area of ​​pesticide selectivity for predators.

Federal Biological Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry, Institute for Biological Control, Biologische Bundesanstalt (BBA), Darmstadt – Germany. Since 2004. Agreement with Prof. Anderson Grutzmacher with Dr. Sherif A. Hassan in the area of ​​pesticide selectivity for parasitoids.

6- Biofabrica Moscamed, Tapachula, Mexico

There was an exchange of a student to do a sandwich doctorate at the factory.

7- US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) em Hilo, Hawaii

There was a student exchange to the USDA in Hilo.

8- University of Ghent

Through the agreement with UGhent, a doctoral student was exchanged in 2009 (Moises Joao Zotti) and Dr. Guy Smagghe to Brazil annually.

9- USDA –ARS – Stuttgart

Through an agreement with the Dale Bumpers National Rice Center, a doctoral student was exchanged for a sandwich with Dr. David Gealy.

10- USDA – ARS – Beltsville

Through an agreement with the USDA-ARS Beltsville, there is an approved PVE project in which three students are expected to go abroad to carry out sandwich doctorates. The Doctor. Lewis Ziska came to Brazil in 2015 to teach graduate courses.

11- University of California DAVIS

Prof. Luis Avila had cooperation with Dr. Albert Fischer of UCDavis on herbicide-resistant weeds in irrigated rice. A project was developed that was funded by FAPERGS, which made it possible for Dr. Albert Fischer to Brazil when he taught a course on herbicide resistant weeds. With the recent retirement of Dr. Fischer (2015), the exchange is being reviewed.

12- INRA Sophia Antipolis, França

The Doctor. Marcos Botton has a research agreement with INRA in France, working with the Bioecology of Pseudococcidae in fruit trees in temperate climates, which made possible the Ph.D. Sanduiche Vitor.

13- USDA – Hilo Hawaii

The Doctor. Marcos Botton has cooperation with the US Department of Agriculture, working with the use of toxic baits for the management of fruit flies. This cooperation made it possible for student Ruben to obtain a sandwishe doctorate.

14- Universidade de Pisa, Italia

The Doctor. Marcos Botton has cooperation with the University of Pisa, Italy, with work on grapevine pest management with Dr Andrea Lucchi.

15- University of Ghent

In 2015 with the hiring of Prof. Moises Zotti A memorandum of understanding MoU was established between UFPel and UGent. This scientific agreement was established, specifically between the University of Ghent by the Faculty of Biosciences Engineering (Belgium) and the Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil) by the Faculty of Agronomy “Eliseu Maciel”/PPGFs. Both sides aim to promote cooperation through educational and academic exchanges, with exchanges that will be of mutual benefit to their institutions.

The planned exchanges are for students, employees and professors in both directions (in and out). In 2016, Master’s students Ciro Pedro Pinto, through this agreement, developed part of their research at UGEnt. In 2018, student Ericmar Avila dos Santos also developed part of his research at UGEnt. In 2019, doctoral student Deise Cagliari will also develop part of her research at UGent with resources from iPlanta. For 2019, Prof. Guy Smagghe to UFPel to carry out a sabbatical period. In 2019/2020, doctoral student Deise Cagliari completed a sandwich doctorate.

16- Instituto Moscafrut – Mexico

Prof. Dori Edson Nava has maintained cooperation with Dr. Pablo Montoya of Instituto MoscaFrut in Metapa de Domingez, Chiapas, Mexico, where a doctoral student carried out part of the study under the supervision of the researcher. In 2014 Dr. Pablo Montoya came to Brazil to speak at Enfrut, held in São Joaquim, and in 2015 a Brazilian visit to the institute is planned with the aim of getting to know the biofactory and the national fruit fly control program.

17- Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique

Prof. Flávio Garcia has an agreement with the Eduardo Mondlane University, which provides for the exchange of master’s and doctoral students for a course at the PPGFS. Carlos Fernando Jairoce who attended his master’s degree with a World Bank scholarship (2012-2014) and in 2014 Mr. Adelino Mussalama who will carry out a master’s degree with a PEC-PG scholarship.

18- Aahrus University

Prof. Luis Avila from the Herbology center has an agreement with Dr. Per Kudsk and Dr. Bo Melander, which allowed the departure in 2013 of Mrs. Ananda Scherner to carry out a full doctorate (2014-2017) the departure of doctoral student Fabio Schreiber to carry out a sandwich doctorate internship at the same University in 2015. In addition, the two professors visited the PPGFs in 2014, giving two lectures on weeds.

Julius Kühn Institute (IJK) for Plant Protection in Fruit and Viticulture, Dossenheim, Germany: Prof. Danielle Barros collaborates with Dr Osmar Nickel from Embrapa Grape and Wine and Dr. Wilhelm Jelkmann of the IJK, through the sandwich doctorate of the student Elen Bonilha de Souza, aiming at the “Characterization of virus species that infect the apple tree”.

Coffee Rust Research Center (CIFC)/Institute for Tropical Scientific Research in Portugal. Prof. Danielle has an agreement with CIFC, and this collaboration began in 2012 with a visit from Dr. Leonor Guerra Guimarães, to the Department of Phytosanitary at UFPel, where she taught a course entitled “Introduction to Proteomics” and a lecture on the work developed by it. In 2013, Professor Danielle Ribeiro de Barros was invited by CIFC to do her Postdoctoral research in the area of ​​Proteomics under the supervision of Dr. Leonor.

19- Projeto em parceria com a Universidad de La Republica Uruguay (UDELAR)

PPG in Agricultural Sciences (Edital: CGCI nº 040/2011). The Phytosanitary Program forms a partnership with the University of La Republica do Uruguay (UDELAR) in research activities and training of human resources through the project entitled Tritrophic interactions between fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae), their hosts and parasitoids (Hymenoptera ) in temperate climate fruit producing regions of Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay approved in 2012 in the CAPES-UDELAR Notice under the coordination of Prof. doctor Flavio Roberto Mello Garcia. In 2013, two study missions and two work missions were carried out.

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Asplanato from UDELAR was at UFPel where she received training and visited the orchards where experiments are carried out in Brazil and Prof. doctor Flávio R.M. Garcia visited Uruguay where he gave an opening lecture at the Seminar on Management of Fruit Flies in Montevideo and visited the orchards where collections are carried out in Montevideo, Canelones and Salto.

The PPG in Phytosanitary at UFPel received doctoral student Maria Victoria Calvo Silvera from UDELAR for 12 months, who developed part of her thesis at the Insect Ecology Laboratory and studied several disciplines, the same happened with UFPel doctoral student Emily Silva de Araújo at UDELAR.

20- Intercâmbio com o Instituto Jülich Forschungszentrum

Provided the visit of Dr. Peter Burauel, between November 19 and 20, 2012, who, in addition to meeting with professors in the area of ​​herbology to discuss partnerships in research, gave a lecture to graduate students of the Program, area of ​​herbology, on Aging of Pesticides in the Ground. In 2012 still Prof. Luis Avila visited the research center and gave a lecture on the dynamics of herbicides in irrigated rice.

21- University of Arkansas (UARK)

Through an agreement with the University of Arkansas (UARK) it was possible to carry out several exchanges of professors and students in both directions. Since its establishment, three undergraduate students and six doctoral students (Carlos Eduardo Schaedler, Luiz Fernando Dias Martini, Leonard Pivetta, João Paulo Refatti, Marlon Bastiani and Fernanda Caratti) have been sent for exchange, and currently an undergraduate student and a doctoral student (Lariza Benedetti).

UFPel received three times Dr. Nilda Roma Burgos and once Dr. Richard Masson. In this agreement there are two active projects, one for students to come to Brazil coordinated by Professors Richard Masson and Nilda Burgos. And a PVE-CNPq project on the Brazilian side coordinated by Profs. Dirceu Agostinetto, Luis Avila and José Alberto Noldin.

22- Mississippi State University o PPGFs

Through an agreement signed with the Mississippi State University, the PPGFs maintained an important scientific exchange with the then Professor Joseph Harry Massey, who visited the Program, along with seven undergraduate students and Professor Dr. Jack Varco, from March 11 to 18, 2012.

This agreement has provided and greatly encouraged the participation of doctoral students in sandwich internship programs abroad, with doctoral student Carla Rejane Zemolin undertaking part of her studies at Mississippi State University. With the departure of Dr. Massey to the USDA, MSSTATE hired Dr. Te Ming (Paul) Tseng, with whom Prof. Luis Avila has cooperation.

23- UFPel e a Texas A&M University (TAMU)

Through an agreement between UFPel and Texas A&M University (TAMU) there is an important exchange in the area of ​​herbology, with the participation of the then Professor Scott Allen Senseman teaching classes in the area of ​​Weeds. Furthermore, the PPGFs-UFPel/TAMU agreement has allowed PPGFs doctoral internships to be carried out, with important gains in the training of the students involved.

In addition to having received several undergraduate students, Texas A&M received students Camila Peligrinotti Tarouco and Franciele Mariani for sandwich doctorates. With the departure of Dr. Scott Senseman from TAMU to the University of Tennessee, Dr. Muthu Bagavathiannan with whom professors Luis Avila and Edinalvo Camargo have ongoing collaborations. The Doctor. Muthu has already received several students connected through the relationship with PPGFs professors, including Josiane Argenta (final course intern at the University of Arkanas and current master’s student at TAMU), Matheus Martins (final course intern at TAMU and current student master’s degree at PPGFs) and Queli Ruchel (sandwich at TAMU and PhD at PPGFs).

24- BBA de Darmstadt e o DAAD, da Alemanha e a UFPel

International exchange with the BBA of Darmstadt and the DAAD of Germany and UFPel with the objective of developing in Brazil standardized tests of selectivity of pesticides on egg parasitoids of the genus Trichogramma and also to carry out studies of volatile compounds in plants. Coordinator: Prof. Anderson Grutzmacher.

25- Projeto de Cooperação entre Instituições – PCI

Once having achieved consistency in attracting Latin American students over the past four years, the program began negotiations to train PhDs in Plant Health in countries that need these professionals to leverage their knowledge and income generation. The idea came from initiatives by international students who expressed interest in their home institutions for the cooperation project. These discussions and initiatives led to negotiations with the Universidad Estatal de Bolivar (UEB), in Ecuador. We have a signed cooperation agreement that was signed by the rectory of the aforementioned university during a visit by the PPGFs coordinator, Prof. Moisés Zotti, before the pandemic (PPGFs Facebook, Document 1, Document 2).

Some obstacles postponed the start of this action even in the current four-year period, highlighting the change in management at UEB, which had to take over the initial conversations and agreements. Obviously, the main barrier to a more rapid advance was the pandemic that prevented, for example, the arrival of a delegation from UEB to the PPGFs. In 2020, talks resumed. See the first of countless conversations that took place virtually (PPGFs Facebook). At this moment, we have agreed that a PCI will be sent to carry out a doctorate in Ecuador, where all the details have already been agreed, and the professors of the Program will act as collaborators in the master’s degree that will be processed locally by UEB.