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Molecular Biology applied to Weed Science Laboratory

Inaugurated in 2012, has a 50m2 area and the objective of supporting molecular biology research. This laboratory is well equipped because it raised in 2010/2011 the amount of R$459.700,29 from research projects approved by CNPq, FAPERGS and Embrapa (CNPT). 

Among several equipments acquired, the highlights are: StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System, Optical density measurer, Turbovap LV, Thermal cycler, Chapel with PCR flow, Gels Photo Documentation, Spectrophotometer and refrigerated centrifuge. In 2012 a unidirectional laminar flow chapel was acquired mod. Miniflow i filtracom, with the value of R$ 9.110,00 and a Spectrophotometer UV/Visivel Ultrospec 2100 Pro with the value of R$ 23.851,85, through a approved project in a Redes Nacionais de pesquisa em Agrobiodiversidade e Sustentabilidade Agropecuária (REPENSA) by CNPQ/FAPERGS notice, which the amount received was R$390.396,50. 

A project was also approved with CNPq (Universal, Faixa B, Edital 14/2012) in the amount of R$39.619,60.