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The professors of the graduate program Crop Protection have sought partnerships with other international institutions to carry out joint projects. Several projects were sent and so far we have achieved the participation of program members in the following international projects:

1- Project internationalization of postgraduate studies in the state of RS (2019-21)

The professors of Weed Science, led by the Prof. Luis Avila approved the project entitled “Training the next generation of weed scientists” financed by FAPERGS. Therefore, the objective of this project is to contribute to the internationalization of postgraduate studies in Rio Grande do Sul, through cooperation with the Colorado State University, with Dr. Frank Dayan. This project proposes activities for researcher mobility in, mobility out of PPGFS students and professors, as well as the holding of two seminars and two workshops, in addition to disciplines taught by the visitor in Brazil. (Global amount BRL 97,000.00)

2- Projects of FWO

The professor Moisés João Zotti participates in three research projects partially funded by FWO (Belgium): “Use of insect cell biotechnology in the screening for new ecdysone agonists to control important and resistant pest insects (whiteflies) in agriculture worldwide”; “Virulence of honeybee viruses in wild bumblebees and use of RNAi to improve bumblebee health” and “Cell-based screeing system in insects” with the participation of researchers from various institutions and UGent.

3- Project COST

(European Cooperation in Science & Technology) The project is an initiative of the European community to promote progress and development on different fronts of research and technology. One of these fronts is the use of RNAi for modifying plants (CA15223 – Modifying plants to produce interfering RNA). In 2018, professor Prof. Moisés João Zotti was invited to be part of this project, being the only researcher outside the European community. The project will provide funding for all international travel by the faculty member to COST group events. In addition, students linked to the project will be able to stay for indefinite periods in any of the laboratories of the COST members with the costs of accommodation and transportation paid by the project.

4- Gaucho Researcher Project

In cooperation with the University of Ghent, coordinated by Prof. Anderson Grutzmacher, entitled “Generation of a cell line sensitive to ecdysteroids used in the selection of natural compounds and in the rational design of insecticide molecules”, funded by Public Notice: FAPERGS Nº 04/2012 –  Gaucho Research Program – PqG Value: R$ 69,942.00 , Validity: 10/31/2012 to 10/31/2014, Financing agency: FAPERGS Process No.: 12/2149.2

5- Call MCT/CNPq No. 19/2011

Joint Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research Projects / Belgium – CNPq/FWO – Project with the University of Ghent in partnership with Prof. Anderson Grutzmacher and Prof. Moisés João Zotti with Dr. Guy Smagghe entitled “Generation of a sensitive cell line for ecdysteroids used in the selection of natural compounds and in the rational design of insecticide molecules” Value: R$ 70,000.00, validity: 07/06/2012 to 07/05/2014, Funding agency : CNPq Process No.: 490501/2011-7 (Integrated Aid).

6- PVE Project – Scholarships in the Country – Science without Borders – Call for projects – MEC/MCTI/CAPES/CNPQ/FAPS – Special visiting researcher grant – PVE 2014 (2014-17)

Coordinated by Prof. Dirceu Agostinetto, with the project entitled “International cooperation for the study of resistance of weeds to herbicides” aims at cooperating with Prof. Nilda Roma Burgos of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. In this project there is a prediction of the arrival of Dr. Burgos to Brazil for a period of 30 days a year during the three years of the project, the reception of two students in a sandwich doctorate at UARK, two postdoctoral scholarships (PDJ) and resources for the experiments. (Global value: BRL 450,000.00 – BRL 165,000.00 of consumables plus bags)

7- Project PVE Scholarships in the Country – Science without Borders – Call for projects MEC/MCTI/CAPES/CNPQ/FAPS – Special visiting researcher grant – PVE 2014 (2014-17)

Coordinated by Prof. Luis Avila, with the project entitled “Protection of irrigated rice cultivation in the face of global climate change” aims at cooperating with Prof. Lewis Ziska of the USDA – Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Plant Science Institute, Crop Systems and Global Change Lab. For this project, Dr. Ziska came to Brazil in 2015 to teach a postgraduate course. In this project there is a prediction of the arrival of Dr. Ziska to Brazil for a period of 30 days a year during the three years of the project, the receipt of three students in a sandwich doctorate at the USDA, two postdoctoral fellowships (PDJ) and resources for the experiments. (Global amount 450,000.00 (BRL 165,000 for consumables plus bags).

8- Project internationalization of postgraduate studies in the state of RS (2014-15) with the project entitled “International Cooperation in Herbology and Climate Change”

Funded by FAPERGS, it aims to cooperate with the University of California Davis (UCDavis) with the arrival of Prof. Albert Fischer to Brazil in November 2014 and February 2015 to teach classes and develop cooperation projects, and the trip of doctoral student João Paulo Refatti to UCDAvis for a month (September 2014) to carry out research activities in the laboratory of UCDavis. (Global amount BRL 96,000.00)


Project in partnership with the Universidad de La Republica Uruguay (UDELAR): PPG in Agricultural Sciences (Edital: CGCI nº 040/2011). Project entitled “Tritrophic interactions between fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae), their hosts and natural enemies (Hymenoptera) in temperate fruit-producing regions of Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay. The project implemented in 2012 foresees, among other activities, the exchange of students and professors between Brazil and Uruguay, so that currently the PPGFs has the presence of doctoral student Maria Victoria Calco who will remain for a year developing her activities under the supervision from Prof. Flávio Roberto Mello Garcia, who already visited UDELAR in 2012. In mid-2013, PPGFs doctoral student Emily Silva Araújo will spend a year in Uruguay. In 2013, UDELAR professors will visit the PPGFs to exchange experiences. (Global amount BRL 40,000.00)

10- UARK/UFPel exchange project

Project coordinated by Prof. Nilda Burgos, Ph.D., from the University of Arkansas, which was funded by bringing two American students (in 2012, Mr. Ryan Ellis and Sean Flynn) to do a 45-day research exchange at the Herbicide Dynamics laboratory ( Prof. Luis Avila, Prof. Dirceu Agostinetto, and Prof. José Alberto Noldin). The project was financed in its second edition, in 2014 when two UARK students came, unfortunately I share the World Cup and the student visas were not issued in a timely manner. In 2015 the project was resubmitted and a student Dylan Milholen spent 45 days in Brazil. The project is 100% funded by the University of Arkansas ($3,000.00 per year).

11- Project PROBAL/336 2010

Project entitled “Dissipation mechanisms and degradation kinetics of 14C-atrazine in Brazilian soils with different histories of atrazine application: effect of application time and controlled release formulations” coordinated by Prof. Deborah Dick from UFRGS was attended by Prof. Luis Avila, began in 2010 and ended in 2013. The project involved UFRGS, UFPel and Jülich Forschungzhentrum. On the German side, the project was coordinated by Dr. Peter Burauel of the Jülich Forschungzhentrum, in Jülich, Germany. Prof. Luis Avila carried out a work mission in Germany, Holland and Denmark between September 16th and 29th, 2012 (Funded amount R$ 250,000.00).

12- Project CAPES/FIPSE

Collaboration project in Undergraduate Teaching and Research, entitled “Providing agricultural education in the context of climate change and food and energy shortages”, which began in 2008 and ended in 2012. The project provided an exchange of undergraduate students and Professors, between UFSM, UFPel, UFMT on the Brazilian side and on the North American side, Mississippi State University (MSSU) and Kansas State University (KSU). The project was coordinated by Prof. Telmo Amado from UFSM and Prof. Luis Avila was deputy coordinator. (Global value: 500,000.00 from CAPES and $250,000.00 from FIPSE).

13- Project FONTAGRO

From 2007 to 2011, in a project to study the dynamics of imidazolinones in floodplain areas in South America, the Project being coordinated by Pesq. Néstor Saldain from INIA Uruguay and Prof. Luis Avila was responsible for one of the subprojects (there are two subprojects), dealing with the dynamics of herbicides in floodplain soils. Institutions participating in the project: INIA-Uruguay, IVIC-Venezuela, UCV-Venezuela, UCDavis, USDA-ARS Fayeteville Arkansas, INTA-Argentina, CIAT – Colombia, UFSM, UFPel, EMBRAPA Temperate Climate and UFRGS. (Global Value $ 400,000.00).