The PPGFS is accepting applications for the CAPES THESIS AWARD – EDITION 2022 until April 7, 2023.
Details of the public notice at the following link: https://www.gov.br/capes/pt-br/centrais-de-conteudo/editais/23022023_Edital_1920279_Edital_2.2023_PREMIO_CAPES_DE_TESE.pdf
There are prizes for the student and for the advisor. Theses must have been defended in 2022.
Documentation for internal selection must be sent by April 07, 2023 to the PPGFS email (ppgfsfaem@gmail.com) with the following documents.
1) Complete copy of the selected Thesis;
2) Declaration signed by the author, agreeing with the inscription of his thesis in the award;
3) Mini abstract of the thesis (up to 500 characters)
4) Photo (JPEG) of the author of the thesis in high resolution (300DPI)
5) Copies of articles and/or books accepted for publication, or other relevant products resulting from the thesis.
Wellington Rodrigues da Silva
- Tittle:
- Phytonematodes in grapevine and peach tree: characterization of Mesocriconema and Pratylenchus species, rootstock reaction, interaction with Ilyonectria macrodidyma and first report of Meloidogyne morocciensis in peach trees in Brazil
- Author: Wellington Rodrigues da Silva
- Advisor: Cesar Bauer Gomes