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Line 1: Ecofisiologia and management of weed plants

Project Themes:

  • Ecofisiologia and integrated management of weed plants in agricultural crops;
  • Sustainable/Alternatives management to control of weed plants;
  • Management of weed plants in native pastures and cultures in the south of Brazil.

Line 2: Physiological action of herbicide and resistance of plants to herbicides

Project Themes:

  • Physiology herbicides actions: Action mode, selectivity and plant dynamics;
  • Characterization of weed plants resistant to herbicides in lowlands;
  • Identification, characterization and management of weed plants resistant to herbicides in agricultural crops of dryland.

Line 3: Herbology and environment: Dynamics of herbicides and changes climetic

Project Themes:

  • Dynamics of herbicides in the productive environment;
  • Impact of climatic changes in weed science.

Line 4: Technology and innovation in herbology

Project Themes:

  • Development of herbicides formulations;
  • Agriculture 4.0;
  • Selection and edition of the genes;
  • Technology of herbicides applications.