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The Graduate Program of Crop Protection (PPGFS) – of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), come advertise the public selection process for one (01) scholarship of the Institutional Program for Sandwich Doctorate Abroad – PDSE, according to the norms of the Announcement 44/2022-CAPES.

SEI_UFPel – 2038397 – Edital de seleção PRPPG

1. Registration period: until February 24, 2023.

2. Confirmation: until February  27, 2023.

3. Selection process: February 28 to March 6, 2023.

4. Announcement of Results: March 07, 2023. (Results will be announced on the page

5. Deadline for requesting reconsideration: March 08 and 09, 2023.

6. Final Result: March 10, 2023. (The result will be announced on the page

7. Submission of the names of those selected to PRPPGI/UFPel: March 10, 2023.


Registrations confirmation:

Jesus Hermano Gómez Llano               CONFIRMED


Jesus Hermano Gómez Llano               APROVED
